Deep Sleep Guided Meditation: Resonance of the Atlas (12 min)
Tune into your nervous system, creating a sensation of resonance through your whole body, so you can rest.
Liz Asch Greenhill, LAc.
We offer transformative acupuncture to reduce pain (physical and emotional) and support the nervous system and whole being. We do not offer managed care or primary care. If we are a good fit, we can serve as an auxiliary person in your network. We are both certified herbalists and can bring herbal medicine into your treatment plan, along with bodywork and other Eastern Medicine modalities. Liz is also an educator on creative embodiment and offers virtual sessions to individuals and groups of artists and thinkers.
Liz is the creator and host of Body Land Metaphor Medicine, a free guided visualization resource on the podcast platform. Listen and get a sense of what it’s like to work with me. These are deep listening experiences that require time set aside in a still, quiet place. They can be listened to in bed for insomnia, via headphones on public transportation for self-regulation, in groups as a guided meditation with an integration discussion afterwards, and so on. They are not to be listened to while driving or multi-tasking. Listen on Spotify, Apple podcasts, Amazon Music, or download directly here on my website. Please share widely. These are a public offering. Seasons 1-4 are in English, and season 5 is en Español.
We are in-network with Providence, MODA, and Pacific Source. If we are out-of-network with your health insurance, you can pay up front and we will give you a superbill to send in to your insurance company so that they reimburse you directly. If the out-of-pocket cost prohibits you from coming in, please email us and let us know. If you are a community organizer for a BIPOC non-profit, you may receive up to four free sessions per year. Sign up under the BLM option for your free healthcare.
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If you’d like to subscribe to Liz’s very occasional newsletter which includes guided visualization and tidbits on Eastern Medicine, here’s the LINK.
Tune into your nervous system, creating a sensation of resonance through your whole body, so you can rest.
In this visualization we envision the ribcage as a shelter for both rest and play.
This one goes out to Ruby.
Ultimate Stress Release Guided Visualization @ 10 minutes
Make a forest diorama in yr chest and feel all the feels of trees.
Work your head’s inner teardrop until it glows up your brain.
This one’s like a brain massage. But anywhere you got a gland you can do this. Don’t stop here. Google glands and keep going.
Loosen up your joints while reducing anxiety.
Floating on a raft in a bay, we practice feeling safe and secure, and the act of letting go.
Calm stress and ease anxiety while nourishing your neck and back. This is a 12 minute guided visualization.
Find yourself in a quiet stream in the forest where everything aligns around and within.
Together we centrifuge the heart clean and clear with a shimmy-ing hula hoop of UV light. Wut.
Read MoreKeeping it real, keeping it surreal, and keeping it brief. Let’s do more with less with a season of extra shorty visualizations for the now. Wishing you good health, good luck, and composure for the continued intensity of 2020. I’m your host, Liz Asch Greenhill, and I’ve been using this method in my acupuncture clinic for nearly 20 years, helping people integrate salutary storytelling into their self-care practices, to alleviate physical and emotional pain, restore, rejuventate, and recharge. Try a few of these eco-art guided meditations that apply various somatic techniques and principles of Chinese Medicine to concepts from Surrealist art — and see how you feel after. Let mw know how it lands with you. And stay tuned for lots more visualizations! Cheers!
This visualization goes out to the leaders working for positive change. Thank you for your efforts, your passion, and your sacrifices. We use metaphor as medicine to land in our bodies. We send ripples through the body with our breath, ignite the heart, and entrust the pelvis and the mind to support our nervous system so we can rest and recharge.
Feeling a bit drained these days? Working on your hashtag boundaries? We’ve got some six feet of separation self-care for ya. I talk super briefly about how fractal patterns of self:other are part of the body’s defenses from the perspective of Chinese Medicine and then we drop into a super soothing visualization that helps you disentangle your energy from others which ultimately benefits your immune system.
Read MoreTune in to my first visualization for teens wherein we do several somatic exercises with visualization to move energy in the ribcage and diaphragm, to land in our bodies with a sense of belonging and connection. Adults are welcome to do this too, of course. It’s really for anyone. Let me know how it goes for you! You can find me at Night Sky Acupuncture or on Instagram at Metaphor_Medicine.
There’s music coming from the ribcage when we use the superpowers of our imagination to turn the diaphragm into a DJ. Sound weird? Give it a try and let me know if you feel different after.
Today’s jam is about poetry and jellyfish and feeling them deep in your being to regulate your Central nervous System.
Read MoreIf you are feeling the depths of dark winter or a dark soul, try this.
Dive into the deep yin of darkness to let go of static emotional states through some wild and colorful methods.
There's a little explanation first and then it shifts into the meditation.
Art Rx for all the Dark Feels:
Visionary artists who paint themselves and others flying and floating: Faith Ringgold and Marc Chagall
Check out the cosmic connectivity of Chani Nicholas
Juice up your jing, which, in Chinese Medicine, is your deep essence goo, kinda like how oil is the deep essence goo of the Earth. People with BJE (Big Jing Energy) live long, love hard, and run strong.
Read MoreNo shade in pretending to be a tree.
Let's get basic and be trees together. We'll go through the seasons and feel all the shedding and growing and windfall and snow. Get ready to get leafy and stuff.
Need a Rx of art along with your visualization? Check out:
Stunning Aerial View Photography
Artist Nils-Udo
Artist Agnes Denes
Let's get wacky all up in this joint. Got a sore knee, elbow, wrist, hip, ankle, or shoulder? Let's start at the source of your pain and see if we can use your imagination to shift the way you are holding tension there.
Hey btw, FIRST-- if you don't have an image come to mind when you hear me say: atom shape -- google 'atom' first, so you can see it and have it readily accessible in your mind. :-)
Your Art (and Wildlife) Rx:
Artist Hilda af Kimt
The poem What's Broken by Dorianne Laux
Really, it would be more accurate to call this “Let’s Get Surreal About the Diaphragm!
For real, when your diaphragm is in a pinch you can feel all kinds of crummy symptoms: anxiety, shortness of breath, heartburn, ribside pain, poor circulation, headaches, and more, but I'll stop there. Sheesh. Let's ambush the diaphragm with lots of imagery to help you release tension from this beast of a muscle.
(P.S. the diaphragm is particularly influenced by creative expression, that's why we are going this route. P.P.S. Never worry if you are visualizing something different or at another angle from what I'm trying to describe. Just let your imagination do its thing.)
Art Rx for curious people who want to look stuff up:
Images of treetops and a phenomenon called crown shyness
Listen to Chavela Vargas, one of the most expressive singers ever
Artist Hiba Schabaz imagines the self immersed in natural
This one goes out to your inner child.
We're going old school, all the way back to pre-school for this one, mixing memory into our senses and embracing wonder while we bloom bloom bloom the diaphragm.
Curious for more? This episode's Art Rx is full of delights:
Agnes Pelton (1881-1961)- abstract artist with spiritual vibes
Eiko and Koma's Delicious Movement Manifesto - guidelines for living 4 sure
Using Memory and Sound to Regrow - creative uses of sensory memory on NPR and in the coral reef