Night Sky Acupuncture + Ideaphoria

Liz Asch Greenhill, LAc.




We offer transformative acupuncture to reduce pain (physical and emotional) and support the nervous system and whole being. We do not offer managed care or primary care. If we are a good fit, we can serve as an auxiliary person in your network. We are both certified herbalists and can bring herbal medicine into your treatment plan, along with bodywork and other Eastern Medicine modalities. Liz is also an educator on creative embodiment and offers virtual sessions to individuals and groups of artists and thinkers. 


Liz is the creator and host of Body Land Metaphor Medicine, a free guided visualization resource on the podcast platform. Listen and get a sense of what it’s like to work with me. These are deep listening experiences that require time set aside in a still, quiet place. They can be listened to in bed for insomnia, via headphones on public transportation for self-regulation, in groups as a guided meditation with an integration discussion afterwards, and so on. They are not to be listened to while driving or multi-tasking. Listen on Spotify, Apple podcasts, Amazon Music, or download directly here on my website. Please share widely. These are a public offering. Seasons 1-4 are in English, and season 5 is en Español.


We are in-network with Providence, MODA, and Pacific Source. If we are out-of-network with your health insurance, you can pay up front and we will give you a superbill to send in to your insurance company so that they reimburse you directly. If the out-of-pocket cost prohibits you from coming in, please email us and let us know. If you are a community organizer for a BIPOC non-profit, you may receive up to four free sessions per year. Sign up under the BLM option for your free healthcare.

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If you’d like to subscribe to Liz’s very occasional newsletter which includes guided visualization and tidbits on Eastern Medicine, here’s the LINK.

Filtering by Tag: focus

Guided Meditation: Night Time Ripple Breathing to listen to before bed for deep restful sleep (12 min)

Bring this ripple-inducing breathwork into your pre-sleep awareness for deeper rest.

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Tree Within Tree: A Guided Meditation to Release Stress and Sleep Better (10 min)

Ultimate Stress Release Guided Visualization @ 10 minutes

Make a forest diorama in yr chest and feel all the feels of trees. 

Season 2 Welcome: More Guided Meditations from Body Land Metaphor Medicine

It’s March 17th and we are starting Season Two together. We are in a topsy-turvy time of great uncertainty and we have — each other. We have our bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits. We have our connection uniting us and the commonality of care among us. We have that between us and inside each of us. That’s our spark. We are going to work with that on all levels. I got a big lesson in viruses last week when I was sick and I will pass along what I learned from my body’s various responses. This season I’ll give you visualizations on: the Immune System, the Throat, the Lungs, Viral Load, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, and the Nervous System. Along with the guided visualizations, I’ll also include talks on kitchen remedies and accessible plant medicine you can hopefully find in the park or the median or in your neck of the woods. I’ll share links with you to tai chi and qi gong exercises and folk medicine techniques and all kinds of self-care tools you can practice at home. I’m here for you. Send me your requests. If you grok this podcast please leave some stars and a review on Apple. Thank you. If you’d like to make a donation you can do so at BODYLAND on Venmo. I appreciate you. With my clinic temporarily closed, I am switching, like many providers, to online care. You can schedule a Telehealth session with me where I can advise you on health concerns, teach you acupressure and home herbal remedies, and do customized interactive guided visualizations with you. Sign up on on my website or through this direct link. Offering virtual hands— Liz