Night Sky Acupuncture + Ideaphoria

Liz Asch Greenhill, LAc.

Night Sky Acupuncture is Liz Greenhill, LAc and Yumé Takeuchi, LAc.

From August 1- March 31, 2025, Yumé will be subbing for Liz in suite 217.


We offer transformative acupuncture to reduce pain (physical and emotional) and support the nervous system and whole being. We do not offer managed care or primary care. If we are a good fit, we can serve as an auxiliary person in your network. We are both certified herbalists and can bring herbal medicine into your treatment plan, along with bodywork and other Eastern Medicine modalities. Liz is also an educator on creative embodiment and offers virtual sessions to individuals and groups of artists and thinkers. 


Liz is the creator and host of Body Land Metaphor Medicine, a free guided visualization resource on the podcast platform. Listen and get a sense of what it’s like to work with me. These are deep listening experiences that require time set aside in a still, quiet place. They can be listened to in bed for insomnia, via headphones on public transportation for self-regulation, in groups as a guided meditation with an integration discussion afterwards, and so on. They are not to be listened to while driving or multi-tasking. Listen on Spotify, Apple podcasts, Amazon Music, or download directly here on my website. Please share widely. These are a public offering. Seasons 1-4 are in English, and season 5 is en Español.


You can sign up for a session here for one-on-one acupuncture at 811 East Burnside (second floor, no elevator) across from the Jupiter Hotel. Or, reach out to Yumé for her availability for a session at your hotel, home, or hospice place of care.


We are in-network with Providence, MODA, and Pacific Source. If we are out-of-network with your health insurance, you can pay up front and we will give you a superbill to send in to your insurance company so that they reimburse you directly. If the out-of-pocket cost prohibits you from coming in, please email us and let us know. If you are a community organizer for a BIPOC non-profit, you may receive up to four free sessions per year. Sign up under the BLM option for your free healthcare.

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If you’d like to subscribe to Liz’s very occasional newsletter which includes guided visualization and tidbits on Eastern Medicine, here’s the LINK.

Filtering by Tag: anxiety

How to Rest when Fearful: A Guided Meditation for Instant Self Care and Nervous System Regulation (20 min)

When you land in your body and call it your home, your nervous system shifts down a gear. When we tell ourselves stories that enhance our sense of belonging and dignity, we create a quieter place inside where we can ground and center. In this meditation, we ignite the imagination as the tool that helps you feel safer in your body and in the world. Set aside 20 minutes when you are quiet or still, alone or with others, to listen, and follow along in your body.

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Starlight Dreaming: A Guided Meditation for Better Sleep (20 in)

Settle into a quiet space where you can close your eyes and take time out to reconnect with yourself and your breath. We will ignite the imagination to restore a sense of connectedness with the cosmos and with our own bodies to feel more centered, grounded, and get better sleep.

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Una Pluma: A Body Land Guided Meditation en Español for deep rest and breathing (13 min)

Comencemos con una visualización basada en una sola imagen: una pluma. Esta visualización puede ayudarnos a enfocarnos y practicar el arte de generar sensaciones internas usando nuestra imaginación como herramienta. Es una interpretación creativa del trabajo de respiración, pero en este caso, la imagen es la fuerza que guía la conciencia de la respiración.

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Tree Within Tree: A Guided Meditation to Release Stress and Sleep Better (10 min)

Ultimate Stress Release Guided Visualization @ 10 minutes

Make a forest diorama in yr chest and feel all the feels of trees. 

Settle the Spine: A Guided Meditation for Neck/Back Pain, Stress, Anxiety, and Focus (13 min)

 Calm stress and ease anxiety while nourishing your neck and back. This is a 12 minute guided visualization.

 Find yourself in a quiet stream in the forest where everything aligns around and within. 

Season 3 Welcome to Body Land Metaphor Medicine Guided Meditations

Keeping it real, keeping it surreal, and keeping it brief. Let’s do more with less with a season of extra shorty visualizations for the now. Wishing you good health, good luck, and composure for the continued intensity of 2020. I’m your host, Liz Asch Greenhill, and I’ve been using this method in my acupuncture clinic for nearly 20 years, helping people integrate salutary storytelling into their self-care practices, to alleviate physical and emotional pain, restore, rejuventate, and recharge. Try a few of these eco-art guided meditations that apply various somatic techniques and principles of Chinese Medicine to concepts from Surrealist art — and see how you feel after. Let mw know how it lands with you. And stay tuned for lots more visualizations! Cheers!

#Boundaries!: A Guided Meditation on Healthy Boundaries for Stress Relief and Relaxation (20 min)

Feeling a bit drained these days? Working on your hashtag boundaries? We’ve got some six feet of separation self-care for ya. I talk super briefly about how fractal patterns of self:other are part of the body’s defenses from the perspective of Chinese Medicine and then we drop into a super soothing visualization that helps you disentangle your energy from others which ultimately benefits your immune system.

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Love Nest: A Guided Meditation to help children feel safe and loved (11 min)

Our first visualization for kids! This exercise is designed to help kids feel surrounded by safety and tenderness as an experiential antidote to anxiety, worries, and fear. I recommend that adults do the exercise alongside the kids so that they can share their experiences afterwards. Let me know how it goes!

Play that Song: a Guided Meditation to Relieve Stress and Practice Embodiment (10 min)

There’s music coming from the ribcage when we use the superpowers of our imagination to turn the diaphragm into a DJ. Sound weird? Give it a try and let me know if you feel different after.

Clear the Lungs: A Guided Meditation to Support your Immune System and Reduce Stress and Tension (25 min)

Using metaphor medicine we clear the lungs with a series of varied images and acts of tenderness, practicing how to move energy in the body.

Viral Combat: A Pop Culture Guided Meditation to Fight Viruses and Feel Strong! (30 min)

Together we look to the movies to inspire our immune system to fight with swords. Then we clean up and take a long qi shower. We are using our imaginations to help us feel better.

Spine of Pearls: A Vivid Guided Meditation to Help You Relax and Reduce Neck/Back Pain (12 min)

 A guided visualization in which the spine is a jigsaw puzzle column of bones getting refurbished, while also using the metaphor of a necklace, make that pearls!

 Is your spine a column of bones or is it a pearl necklace? You be the judge. (Hint: it can be both!) 

Curious about artists who paint the body in imagined and mystical ways? Here’s your Art Rx:

 Frida Kahlo 

Wangechi Mutu

Frank Moore   

Be a River: a Guided Meditation to Reduce Stress and Practice Eco-Embodiment (10 min)

One River. One Body. Feel them merge. Be the current.  

 Water is soft and silky, mighty and powerful, and deeply cleansing. 


We have a lot of work ahead of us to make our rivers as clean and fresh as they are in our imaginations. If you feel called to make a donation, here are some organizations doing deep work: 

Native American Rights Fund 

Center for Biological Diversity 

The Ocean Clean Up

On Anxiety and the Imagination: Want to Learn More about my Method of Metaphor Medicine? (5 min)

If you are like me, a creative thinker who is a touch high strung, then you've probably had anxiety influence your mood and your body. Have you ever invented a catastrophe and felt your stomach flip, sweat break out, or your chest get tight...or worse? All you did was invent a story…and let it play out in your mind, and your body reacted as if it had happened (at least a little bit.) Just the thought made you sick. That's how powerful the imagination is. Stories do affect our bodies. So, let's tell ourselves some stories that help us feel more safe, more creative, more calm, more grounded, and more aligned. Then we can put the imagination to use to help us feel better. 

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