Night Sky Acupuncture + Ideaphoria

Liz Asch Greenhill, LAc.




We offer transformative acupuncture to reduce pain (physical and emotional) and support the nervous system and whole being. We do not offer managed care or primary care. If we are a good fit, we can serve as an auxiliary person in your network. We are both certified herbalists and can bring herbal medicine into your treatment plan, along with bodywork and other Eastern Medicine modalities. Liz is also an educator on creative embodiment and offers virtual sessions to individuals and groups of artists and thinkers. 


Liz is the creator and host of Body Land Metaphor Medicine, a free guided visualization resource on the podcast platform. Listen and get a sense of what it’s like to work with me. These are deep listening experiences that require time set aside in a still, quiet place. They can be listened to in bed for insomnia, via headphones on public transportation for self-regulation, in groups as a guided meditation with an integration discussion afterwards, and so on. They are not to be listened to while driving or multi-tasking. Listen on Spotify, Apple podcasts, Amazon Music, or download directly here on my website. Please share widely. These are a public offering. Seasons 1-4 are in English, and season 5 is en Español.


We are in-network with Providence, MODA, and Pacific Source. If we are out-of-network with your health insurance, you can pay up front and we will give you a superbill to send in to your insurance company so that they reimburse you directly. If the out-of-pocket cost prohibits you from coming in, please email us and let us know. If you are a community organizer for a BIPOC non-profit, you may receive up to four free sessions per year. Sign up under the BLM option for your free healthcare.

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If you’d like to subscribe to Liz’s very occasional newsletter which includes guided visualization and tidbits on Eastern Medicine, here’s the LINK.

Filtering by Category: visualizations for kids

Special Guided Meditation en Español for deep sleep to promote healing: Estanque de Caida de Semillas: Cuerpo Tierra (17 min)

Imagina cómo el aire se extiende hasta lo alto, perdiéndose en la inmensidad del cielo, mientras el estanque se encuentra cómodamente acurrucado en este entorno vasto y abierto.

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Sé un Árbol: A Body Land Special Guided Meditation en Español (11 min)

¿Alguna vez has deseado deslizarte en la piel de un árbol y dejar atrás tu vida habitual? Vamos a ser árboles juntos. Podemos imaginarnos de pie, haciendo que nuestros cuerpos imiten la forma de los árboles. Aunque, por supuesto, podes estar sentada, acostada o en cualquier posición que te resulte cómoda para esta visualización.

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Drift into Darkness while Glowing: A Guided Meditation for Deep Restful Sleep (13 min)

The pattern of the mycelium network is around us and within. Let it transform into a softly glowing nightlight that protects you and feel yourself soften into a resting state.

My Body is a Habitat and I am Safe: A Guided Meditation for Restful Sleep and Centering (20 min)

Your body is a safe place. Coax your spine into this story and let it become something new and generative.

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Ruby's Yurt: A Guided Meditation for Teens and Kids (11 min)

In this visualization we envision the ribcage as a shelter for both rest and play.

This one goes out to Ruby.

Fly Free: A Guided Meditation for Stress, Tension, and Anxiety (7 min)

Feeling a little lighter?

Let’s amplify that sensation with this visualization to help you somaticize the sensation of freedom.

Tree Within Tree: A Guided Meditation to Release Stress and Sleep Better (10 min)

Ultimate Stress Release Guided Visualization @ 10 minutes

Make a forest diorama in yr chest and feel all the feels of trees. 

Juice Up (in a Jiffy): A Guided Meditation for Vitality, Depression, Stress, and Eco-Connection (8 min)

Replenish yourself with the flavors of the earth. 

 Help protect and repair the planet.

And maybe support your local juice joint? 


Season 3 Welcome to Body Land Metaphor Medicine Guided Meditations

Keeping it real, keeping it surreal, and keeping it brief. Let’s do more with less with a season of extra shorty visualizations for the now. Wishing you good health, good luck, and composure for the continued intensity of 2020. I’m your host, Liz Asch Greenhill, and I’ve been using this method in my acupuncture clinic for nearly 20 years, helping people integrate salutary storytelling into their self-care practices, to alleviate physical and emotional pain, restore, rejuventate, and recharge. Try a few of these eco-art guided meditations that apply various somatic techniques and principles of Chinese Medicine to concepts from Surrealist art — and see how you feel after. Let mw know how it lands with you. And stay tuned for lots more visualizations! Cheers!

The Down Dial: A Guided Meditation for Stress Relief, Relaxation, and Nervous System Support (14 min)

Turn the dial down on your nervous system to catch some solid sleep and bring your body into repose. When we invite the deep yin into our being, we can surrender our nervous energy and find a sense of peace.

Love Nest: A Guided Meditation to help children feel safe and loved (11 min)

Our first visualization for kids! This exercise is designed to help kids feel surrounded by safety and tenderness as an experiential antidote to anxiety, worries, and fear. I recommend that adults do the exercise alongside the kids so that they can share their experiences afterwards. Let me know how it goes!